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What is Mind Align?

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Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act.”
-Pablo Picasso

“Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goals.” Henry Ford

Whether as an individual or a team - complete belief, detailed planning, unwavering faith and consistent execution of a plan is required to achieve a desired outcome. 


​Our subconscious mind runs the show (conscious mind tends to often be the saboteur) and it has no agenda, logic, or assessment.  It acts purely on what information is provided to it.  This is where "alignment" comes into play.  Enabling your sub-conscious mind to align with your conscious mind's plans.  It will deliver.   


In order to overcome the inevitable obstacles and mind-meddling that will try to thwart you achieving your goal/s you need to manifest how you will FEEL when you are doing/wearing/winning/seeing/experiencing your goal. 


The way to plan for this starts here:

​1. What do you want?  Identify it, write it down

2. Set the goal.  Be specific and ensure it is measurable. What by when. 

3. Identify barriers and distractions and always allow for the unexpected. Make provisions. 

4. Change.  Whatever habits, or past experiences that have previously prevented you from achieving what you want will need to be identified and changed or eliminated. 

5. Action.   "Dreams become reality one choice at a time" and action cures all fears and inertia when executing your plan. 


How can I help you?  No matter how small or big your goal or whether it is short term or further into the future,  by helping you with each of the above steps.  We will create critical displays and journaling and other strategies to address mindset in a way that changes how you articulate your vision.  "I am", "I will", "I have".  I'll be your accountability partner and cheerleader and will help you navigate the inevitable obstacles so you can re-set and get back on track.  I will celebrate your journey and your success!  


So, are you ready to jump on the rollercoaster with me, so you can go after what you want and need and achieve it? 


For individuals, please feel free to download my "Your Life Plan" e-book. For corporates and teams, please contact me directly. 






"Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it.  The time will pass anyway"  Earl Nightingale. 




Let’s Work Together

500 Terry Francine Street 

San Francisco, CA 94158

Tel: 123-456-7890

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